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Somerset: After the Floods (2015) |
Somerset: After the Floods 2015 HD
Dated Released : 2015-01-08
Quality : BluRay | 60 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Hermione Norris
Genre : Documentary
Overview : The Somerset Levels are one of the most beautiful parts of Britain, but in the winter of 2013 they faced a natural disaster. One village, Moorland, was entirely engulfed by the floods. Deluged by water, the villagers watched helplessly as their lives and homes were washed away. This programme follows their year-long struggle to get home again after the water drained and media attention shifted away. Although the residents put on a brave face, the realities of their fate pile up - the refusal of insurance companies to pay up, and the months of delay with the builders. All this adds fuel to a heartfelt frustration that the floods were man-made and the nagging fear of what would happen to them if and when the waters return.
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