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Our Earth - Our Oceans 3D (2015) |
Our Earth - Our Oceans 3D 2015 HD
Dated Released : 2015-02-02
Quality : BluRay | 92 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
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Overview : What is it, that makes our world so wonderful, yet incomprehensible at the same time? That enables new life to emerge in places that appear unsuitable to support life? How do natural wonders originate? Which forces are necessary, in order to enable flora and fauna to develop in the respective locations we find them in today? For more than 2 years, the film crew of this production travelled through six continents and from natural wonder to natural wonder. Always on the trail of the connections between unique habitats for flora and fauna and the structures of ocean currents, geological formations and climate zones. In doing so, never-before-seen 3D images originated of the most different regions and animals species.
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