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Robinson Crusoe and Cuma (2015) |
Robinson Crusoe and Cuma 2015 HD
Dated Released : 2015-09-04
Quality : BluRay | 98 minutes Minutes
Rating : 4.3/10 (3 Users)
Star : Damla Debre, Beyti Engin, Serhat Mustafa Kiliç, John Mathero Nyambi
Genre : Comedy
Overview : Robinson Crusoe and Cuma, who celebrate the 15th anniversary of ending up on a desert island, see a ship approaching shore when their troubles about loneliness come out. An adventurer man whose name is Viktor get off this ship that has neither a sail nor a mast. He has run away from retrogressive world together with his animals in the ship and has been looking for a new place to survive. Furthermore, he did not come alone to the island. His two beautiful daughters, one of them is stepchild, made this journey with him. Donelya and Yanarin who grew up in abbey discipline are two young and attractive girls. Robinson and Cuma embrace this guests and their ordinary life starts to be more exciting. The buddies who fall in love with girls before long try all the ways to score. However, Viktor "a conservative dad" is an important obstacle for them. Even so Robinson and Cuma try to struggle determinedly for their love.
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