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Emptying the Skies (2015) |
Emptying the Skies 2015 HD
Dated Released : 2015-04-22
Quality : BluRay | 78 minutes Minutes
Rating : 7/10 (1 Users)
Star : Peter Berthold, Sergio Coen Tanugi, David Conlin, Jonathan Franzen
Genre : Documentary, Action, Thriller
Overview : If you want to impress your dining companions in Cyprus, it's not caviar that you order, but ambelopoulia: a tiny songbird. But as this gripping doc reveals, the cost to bring such delicacies to the table is enormous. Bestselling novelist Jonathan Franzen takes a break from the world of fiction to guide us through an all too horrifying reality: tens of millions of protected migratory songbirds are illegally killed every year. Franzen, a longtime bird lover, accompanies young staffers of the Committee Against Bird Slaughter on their expeditions. With police enforcement in Southern Europe practically non-existent, they risk their lives to rescue trapped birds, and confront hostile poachers. It's a topic that proves a cultural flashpoint -- the Cypriot landowners cannot understand why a bunch of Italians can tell them what to do on their land.
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