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The Curse of Doctor Wolffenstein (2015) |
The Curse of Doctor Wolffenstein 2015 HD
Dated Released : 2015-02-28
Quality : BluRay | 116 minutes Minutes
Rating : 3.7/10 (3 Users)
Star : Mika Metz, Isabelle Aring, Robin Czerny, Stephanie Meisenzahl
Genre : Horror
Overview : Dr. Victor Wolffenstein, a genius and at the same time devilish doctor, has set himself a huge goal, he wants to become immortal. In the Year 1930 he brews a serum, which is supposed to help him achieve his goal. But it has an unwanted side effect, he becomes immortal but becomes infected with necrosis and the only thing left for him to do is to replace his body parts. Dr. Wolffenstein recklessly starts to harvest limbs from the other villagers, but in the end they overpower him and bury him alive. More than 80 years later, five teenagers are on their way to the biggest Rave party of the year. On their way they get stranded in a small village, due to a car accident and have to wait for repair. The teenagers decide to visit a local discotheque and then the terror begins, Dr. Wolffenstein is back.
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