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Sieu nhan X (2015) |
Sieu nhan X 2015 HD
Dated Released : 2015-02-04
Quality : BluRay | 0 minutes Minutes
Rating : 4/10 (1 Users)
Star :
Genre :
Overview : Contents of the film will revolve around a young guy named Male looks sickly skinny is the biggest disadvantage of the guy's life, from childhood you have been teased and bullied. Men into adulthood always found guilty with myself for not doing any heavy work, I wish that one day rid the disease raging in her body. While wandering along the river, the South saw a strange glowing objects, decided to wade into the study took a sharply emit light and took the body of the South. Men wake up the next morning found himself higher and solid body, and strange things rather than owning a threaded extremely powerful energy. To want to use his powers for good work in the South decided to hide himself a superhero costume to work at night
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